putting in a cast - перевод на испанский
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putting in a cast - перевод на испанский

Putting holes in happiness
  • [[Bonnie and Clyde]] Personajes que se encuentran en la letra de este tema.

putting in a cast      
enyesar (fijar con un yeso)
shot put         
  • Czechoslovak shot putter [[Jiří Skobla]] showing the correct technique for keeping the shot near the neck
  • Plíhal]] at the 1957 East German Indoor Athletics Championships
  • Demonstration of the spin technique in shot put
  • Shot put area
  • Shot putter at the University of Nebraska, 1942, showing the circle and stop board
Shotput; Shot Put; Shot putter; Shotputter; Shot putt; Shot Putt; Shot-put; Shot putting; Put the shot; Putting the weight
tiro de bolas (rama de atlética pesada, tirar una bola de hierro a mayor distancia)
put the shot         
  • Czechoslovak shot putter [[Jiří Skobla]] showing the correct technique for keeping the shot near the neck
  • Plíhal]] at the 1957 East German Indoor Athletics Championships
  • Demonstration of the spin technique in shot put
  • Shot put area
  • Shot putter at the University of Nebraska, 1942, showing the circle and stop board
Shotput; Shot Put; Shot putter; Shotputter; Shot putt; Shot Putt; Shot-put; Shot putting; Put the shot; Putting the weight
Lanzar pesos


in itinere
in itinere (pronunc. [in itínere]) Expresión latina que significa "en el camino". Se usa con referencia a los accidentes laborales que se producen mientras se va o se vuelve del trabajo.


Putting Holes in Happiness

«Putting Holes in Happiness» es título del sencillo del álbum de estudio Eat Me, Drink Me, del grupo "Marilyn Manson". El sencillo fue estrenado el 7 de agosto de 2007.